Premiile Pulitzer 2016: link-uri către materialele premiate

Data publicării: 19/04/2016

„Mi-am petrecut întreaga viaţă în slujba jurnalismului, pe care îl consider una dintre cele mai nobile şi importante profesii. Responsabilitatea noastră, a tuturor jurnaliştilor, este extrem de mare, pentru că oamenii citesc si ne cred”. Joseph Pulitzer

Am adunat pentru voi link-uri către toate materialele premiate la cea de-a 100-a ediție a Premiilor Pulitzer și vă invităm să savurați toată lista de articole în zilele ce urmează.

Premiile au fost oferite pentru excelență în jurnalismul de peste ocean, în cadrul Universității Columbia, din New York.

Competiţia a luat naştere ca urmare a dorinţei lui Joseph Pulitzer de a pune bazele primei şcoli de jurnalism şi de a conferi prestigiu acestei profesii, Pulitzer donând prin testament Universităţii Columbia bani pentru a înfiinţa premiul ce îi va purta numele.

Dacă vreți să aflați mai multe despre ce înseamnă aceste premii, vă invităm să citiți  două scurte materiale publicate de noi în anii trecuți:

Testamentul lui Pulitzer și excelența ca stare de normalitate

Jurnalismul lui Pulitzer – una dintre cele mai nobile profesii



Associated Press || For an investigation of severe labor abuses tied to the supply of seafood to American supermarkets and restaurants, reporting that freed 2,000 slaves, brought perpetrators to justice and inspired reforms.

AP Investigation: Are slaves catching the fish you buy?

Video: US supply chain tainted

AP investigation prompts emergency rescue of 300 plus slaves

US lets in Thai fish caught by slaves despite law

Interactive: 22 years a slave

AP Exclusive: AP tracks slave boats

More than 2,000 enslaved fishermen rescued

Shrimp sheds

Video: Supermarkets selling shrimp peeled by slaves


Los Angeles Times Staff || For exceptional reporting, including both local and global perspectives, on the shooting in San Bernardino and the terror investigation that followed.

How the L.A. Times Covered the San Bernardino Terrorist Attack

Live Updates of the San Bernardino Terrorist Attack

Rampage Kills 14

Shooter Had Cache of Bullets and Bombs

Shooters Kept Plans and Weapons Secret

A Christmas Party, a Game and Then Gunfire

The First Responders

San Bernadino Shootings: The Pursuit

An Outsider at Home and Abroad

Police Dispatches: ‘We Have an Active Shooter, We Need an Entry Team Now’


Leonora LaPeter Anton and Anthony Cormier of the Tampa Bay Times and Michael Braga of the Sarasota Herald-Tribune || For a stellar example of collaborative reporting by two news organizations that revealed escalating violence and neglect in Florida mental hospitals and laid the blame at the door of state officials.

Insane. Invisible. In danger.


Christian Miller of ProPublica and Ken Armstrong of The Marshall Project || For a startling examination and exposé of law enforcement’s enduring failures to investigate reports of rape properly and to comprehend the traumatic effects on its victims.

An Unbelievable Story of Rape

The FBI Built a Database That Can Catch Rapists — Almost Nobody Uses It

Rape is Rape, Isn’t It?

A Brutal Crime, Often Terribly Investigated

Transcript: How Not to Handle a Rape Investigation

How We Reported “An Unbelievable Story of Rape  (The reporting by ProPublica and The Marshall Project spanned several months and involved numerous interviews, a review of previously undisclosed law enforcement records and exchanges with experts on investigating rape.)


Michael LaForgia, Cara Fitzpatrick and Lisa Gartner of Tampa Bay Times || For exposing a local school board’s culpability in turning some county schools into failure factories, with tragic consequences for the community. (Moved by the Board from the Public Service category, where it was also entered.)

Failure Factories (Trailer)

Failure Factories

Lessons in fear (Failure Factories: Part 2)

Who’s my teacher today? (Failure Factories: Part 3)

For 31 kids, this is what it is like to go to resegregated schools

Standing for schools

45,942 days lost (Failure Factories: Part 4)

Fundamentally unequal (Failure Factories: Part 5)

Feds slam failing schools in Pinellas

Trying to get out


The Washington Post Staff || For its revelatory initiative in creating and using a national database to illustrate how often and why the police shoot to kill and who the victims are most likely to be.

Web entry: People shot dead by police this year

Thousands dead, few prosecuted

In 5 months, police fatally shoot 385

Distraught people, deadly results

Black and unarmed

Police withhold videos despite vows of transparency

Deadly consequences while on duty and under fire

Uneven justice

Different shooting, same police officer

Officers fatally shoot 965


Alissa J. Rubin of The New York Times || For thoroughly reported and movingly written accounts giving voice to Afghan women who were forced to endure unspeakable cruelties.

A Mob Killing and Flawed Justice

Video: The Killing of Farkhunda

Dangerous Culture Clash for Afghan Policewomen

A Thin Line of Defense Against ‘Honor Killings’

Fear of Taliban Drives Women Out of Kunduz


Kathryn Schulz of The New Yorker || For an elegant scientific narrative of the rupturing of the Cascadia fault line, a masterwork of environmental reporting and writing.

The Really Big One


Farah Stockman of The Boston Globe || For extensively reported columns that probe the legacy of busing in Boston and its effect on education in the city with a clear eye on ongoing racial contradictions.

Naming our era of racial contradictions

Did busing slow the city’s desegregation?

Boston schools get a do-over

In schools, can separate be equal?

How the busing crisis changed police, for the better

Sex, drugs, and racist policing in Rutland, VTThe outcast effect

90% Hispanic? No hay problema

How a standoff over schools changed the country

Donald Trump, Black Lives Matter, and the echoes of busing


Emily Nussbaum of The New Yorker || For television reviews written with an affection that never blunts the shrewdness of her analysis or the easy authority of her writing.

Last Girl in Larchmont

What About Bob?

Candy Girl

Queens Boulevard

The Little Tramp

Good Night

To Serve Man

Little Boxes

The Price is Right

American Untouchable


John Hackworth of Sun Newspapers, Charlotte Harbor, FL || For fierce, indignant editorials that demanded truth and change after the deadly assault of an inmate by corrections officers.

Time is past for resolution in prison case

What went wrong with state prisons?

Lies, cover-up block charges in prison death

Another day, another dead inmate at CCI

Prosecutors torpedo the grand jury

Local prison failing inmates, and its mission

Grand juries should bow out of police cases

Walker’s killers mostly still work at local prison


Jack Ohman of The Sacramento Bee || For cartoons that convey wry, rueful perspectives through sophisticated style that combines bold line work with subtle colors and textures.

winning cartoons


Mauricio Lima, Sergey Ponomarev, Tyler Hicks and Daniel Etter of The New York Times || For photographs that captured the resolve of refugees, the perils of their journeys and the struggle of host countries to take them in.

winning photographies

Photography Staff of Thomson Reuters || For gripping photographs, each with its own voice, that follow migrant refugees hundreds of miles across uncertain boundaries to unknown destinations.

winning photographies


Jessica Rinaldi of The Boston Globe || For the raw and revealing photographic story of a boy who strives to find his footing after abuse by those he trusted.

winning photographies



The Sympathizer, by Viet Thanh Nguyen (Grove Press) || A layered immigrant tale told in the wry, confessional voice of a “man of two minds” — and two countries, Vietnam and the United States.


Hamilton, by Lin-Manuel Miranda || A landmark American musical about the gifted and self-destructive founding father whose story becomes both contemporary and irresistible.


Custer’s Trials: A Life on the Frontier of a New America, by T.J. Stiles (Alfred A. Knopf) || A rich and surprising new telling of the journey of the iconic American soldier whose death turns out not to have been the main point of his life. (Moved by the Board from the Biography category.)


Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life, by William Finnegan (Penguin Press) || A finely crafted memoir of a youthful obsession that has propelled the author through a distinguished writing career.


Ozone Journal, by Peter Balakian (University of Chicago Press) || Poems that bear witness to the old losses and tragedies that undergird a global age of danger and uncertainty.


Black Flags: The Rise of ISIS, by Joby Warrick (Doubleday) || A deeply reported book of remarkable clarity showing how the flawed rationale for the Iraq War led to the explosive growth of the Islamic State.


In for a Penny, In for a Pound, by Henry Threadgill (Pi Recordings) || Recording released on May 26, 2015 by Zooid, a highly original work in which notated music and improvisation mesh in a sonic tapestry that seems the very expression of modern American life (Pi Recordings).


P.S. Nu uitați că și noi ne premiem autorii de jurnalism narativ și scrieri creative de non-ficțiune. Pregătim, pentru această toamnă, cea de-a VI-a ediție a Premiilor Superscrieri, non-ficțiuni care schimbă lumea.

Știm, nu ne comparăm, spunem doar că ne-am dori ca, în timp, să creștem aceste premii în România la prestigiul pe care îl are Pulitzerul peste ocean. Așa cum merită scriitura de calitate din țara noastră.

Între timp, primim aplicații și pentru cele două programe de burse jurnalistice Superscrieri, până pe 5 mai:

Bursele Superscrieri/BRD pe tema educației

Bursele Superscrieri/AVON pe tema violenței domestice

foto articol: Thomson Reuters, câștigător la secțiunea Breaking News Photography

Facebook foto thumbnail: Jessica Rinaldi, Boston Globe, câștigătoare Featured Photography

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