Pulitzer peste ocean, Superscrieri la nord de Dunăre

Data publicării: 15/04/2014

Ieri s-au acordat Premiile Pulitzer pentru jurnalismul american, după tradiția începută în 1917 de jurnalistul american de origine maghiară, Joseph Pulitzer. An de an, de vreo 4 ani, ne inspirăm din ce înseamnă aceste premii de prestigiu peste ocean și vrem să stabilim și în România un nivel de normalitate în recunoașterea scriiturii de calitate, prin Premiile Superscrieri.
Pentru toamna aceasta pregătim cea de-a patra ediție, iar între timp am lansat și o extensie a competiției – Bursele Superscrieri/Avon, cu susținerea Avon România. Până pe 9 mai așteptăm propuneri de proiecte jurnalistice pe tema “violența domestică”, iar trei dintre ele vor primi câte 1000 de euro finanțare pentru a fi realizate.

Sperăm să aducem o nouă miză pentru crearea unor materiale românești demne de Pulitzer, atât prin programul de burse, cât și prin competiția mare din toamnă. Și, bineînțeles, să fim din ce în ce mai mulți susținători/vâslași la această barcă.

Vă invităm să explorați materialele premiate peste ocean anul acesta:



The Guardian US – awarded for its revelation of widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, helping through aggressive reporting to spark a debate about the relationship between the government and the public over issues of security and privacy || works

and The Washington Post – awarded for its revelation of widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, marked by authoritative and insightful reports that helped the public understand how the disclosures fit into the larger framework of national security || works

BREAKING NEWS REPORTING – awarded to The Boston Globe Staff for its exhaustive and empathetic coverage of the Boston Marathon bombings and the ensuing manhunt that enveloped the city, using photography and a range of digital tools to capture the full impact of the tragedy || works 

INVESTIGATIVE REPORTING – awarded to  Chris Hamby of The Center for Public Integrity, Washington, D.C., for his reports on how some lawyers and doctors rigged a system to deny benefits to coal miners stricken with black lung disease, resulting in remedial legislative efforts || works

EXPLANATORY REPORTING – awarded to Eli Saslow of The Washington Post for his unsettling and nuanced reporting on the prevalence of food stamps in post-recession America, forcing readers to grapple with issues of poverty and dependency || works

LOCAL REPORTING – awarded to Will Hobson and Michael LaForgia of the Tampa Bay Times for their relentless investigation into the squalid conditions that marked housing for the city’s substantial homeless population, leading to swift reforms || works

NATIONAL REPORTING – awarded to David Philipps of The Gazette, Colorado Springs, Colo., for expanding the examination of how wounded combat veterans are mistreated, focusing on loss of benefits for life after discharge by the Army for minor offenses, stories augmented with digital tools and stirring congressional action || works

INTERNATIONAL REPORTING – awarded to Jason Szep and Andrew R.C. Marshall of Reuters for their courageous reports on the violent persecution of the Rohingya, a Muslim minority in Myanmar that, in efforts to flee the country, often falls victim to predatory human-trafficking networks || works 


COMMENTARY – awarded to Stephen Henderson of the Detroit Free Press for his columns on the financial crisis facing his hometown, written with passion and a stirring sense of place, sparing no one in their critique || works

CRITICISM – awarded to Inga Saffron of The Philadelphia Inquirer for her criticism of architecture that blends expertise, civic passion and sheer readability into arguments that consistently stimulate and surprise || works

EDITORIAL WRITING – awarded to the Editorial Staff of The Oregonian, Portland, for its lucid editorials that explain the urgent but complex issue of rising pension costs, notably engaging readers and driving home the link between necessary solutions and their impact on everyday lives || works

EDITORIAL CARTOONING – awarded to Kevin Siers of The Charlotte Observer for his thought provoking cartoons drawn with a sharp wit and bold artistic style || works

BREAKING NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY – awarded to Tyler Hicks of The New York Times for his compelling pictures that showed skill and bravery in documenting the unfolding terrorist attack at Westgate mall in Kenya || works

FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY – awarded to Josh Haner of The New York Times for his moving essay on a Boston Marathon bomb blast victim who lost most of both legs and now is painfully rebuilding his life || works 


Books, Drama and Music

FICTION – “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt (Little, Brown)

DRAMA – “The Flick” by Annie Baker

HISTORY – “The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832” byAlan Taylor (W.W. Norton)

BIOGRAPHY – “Margaret Fuller: A New American Life” by Megan Marshall(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)

POETRY – “3 Sections” by Vijay Seshadri (Graywolf Press)

GENERAL NONFICTION – “Toms River: A Story of Science and Salvation” by Dan Fagin (Bantam Books)

MUSIC – “Become Ocean” by John Luther Adams (Taiga Press/Theodore Front Musical Literature)


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